OnyX Cleaner
Downloading OnyX
Starting OnyX Cleaner
On your computer
Open the Onyx application
If its your first time using OnyX you will be prompted for Full Disk Access
Enabling Full Disk Access
Open System Preferences
Select Security & Privacy
Switch to the Privacy tabClick on the yellow pad lock (Password required)
In the left pane select Full Disk Access
In the right box scroll and select the checkbox next to OnyX
Click on the yellow pad lock
Continue with steps below
Running OnyX Cleaner
Open the Onyx application
Account password will be required to start
Select Maintenance
Leave all checked settings as shown
Select Run Task
Once the pop up box appear's stating A restart is requested
Select Continue
You can now let this run its course and your device will restart after completion
For any questions or trouble with the steps above, reach out to the IT Team via email or phone
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